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Jumat, 25 September 2009

How to Create a WordPress Database on Local Computer

How to create a database on local machine here is a continuation of writing How To Install and Create a Server on Local Computer which is useful if you want to install software or applications on the local server we have created. Application software is a database program that needs to run it like a wordpress blog, forums, etc..

How to create a database in wordpress XAMPP local server is to use phpMyAdmin application already integrated with XAMPP software. Database type is MySQL database created in accordance with the needs of wordpress database.
The steps create a database in XAMPP local server as follows:
Open the application "XAMPP Control Panel" through the program menu "Start> All Programs> Apache Friends> XAMPP> XAMPP Control Panel" or click on the file "xampp-control.exe" in the XAMPP installation folder.

Open the XAMPP server applications
Click "start" one by one that is beside "Apache" and "MySQL". So it looks the words "running".

Click Start on Apache and My SQL
On each button "start" is clicked, when they appear warning from windows firewall click "Unblock" to allow this software application running.

Open Applications phpMyAdmin through our computer's browser to the address: http://localhost/phpmyadmin/

Open the browser http://localhost/phpmyadmin
Create a new database by typing the name of the database and click on "Create". For example "wp_database". Select the database type "collation" and the type of connection "utf8_general_ci"

Enter the database name, database type, and type of connection
Click "Privilages" to set the admin and user. Then click on "Add a New User" to add the admin and user.
Enter the user name in the "User name". For example "bigblogger". Select "Local" for the type of host. Enter the password in the "password" and "re-type your password" or click the "Generate Password" to get a more secure password.

Enter the username, type host, and password
In the section "Global_Privileges" check all the privileges (the right and authority) to the user "bigblogger" by click "Check All". For real server should restrict these privileges.

Set the user privileges are added
Click "Go" and user "bigblogger" will be added as one of the user.

bigblogger user has created
Add "bigblogger" as a user on the database that was created previously (ie: wp_database), by selecting "wp_database" in the "Database-specific-privilege">> "Add the following privileges on the database".
Check whether the user "bigblogger" has been added to the database "wp_database" by click "wp_database" on the left side of the page.
Click the "Privilege" to see who is registered and has access to the "wp_database" it. There should be a user "bigblogger" if the steps above to make the database is done properly.

Confirm the user and the database was created

Step create database wordpress blog on the local server is complete, and then we can make and to install wordpress on our local computers.

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